Planting Around the World Mission 8 (Gili Trawangan, Indonesia)

In our Planting Around the World Mission our challenge is to plant at least one tree for every country we visit during our world backpacking trip. Why? With all the talk about carbon emissions we may help the environment in our small way. But also because we love gardening, plants and nature, we thought it would be a respectful gesture towards the countries – and its people – we visit. And of course, hopefully, a long lasting memory of our visit.

Tree number 8!

Tree planting at History Bungalows Gili Trawangan

We have come through Indonesia starting from Jakarta on Java, and moved our way East, over Bali, and found a most restful spot on the North-Eastern tip of the beautiful Island, Gili Trawangan.

We spent about two weeks here in total, not keen to move from this spot of blissful sunshine, clear snorkeling waters, brightly coloured coral fish, a bungalow overlooking the bright beach and good company in form of the Indonesian, Chaia, managing the HiStory Bungalows next down the road.

Tree planting at History Bungalows Gili Trawangan

Chaia was very keen to support us in our tree planting mission and kindly allocated us a spot in the garden before the HiStory Bungalows.

Tree planting at History Bungalows Gili Trawangan

Here we planted a local breed called “Magnolia”, according to the local sellers whom we bought it from. They came down the street with these trees and plants in a cart, probably a day-trip from Lombok. A mobile nursery – who’d have thought?!


It should flourish in this climate and hopefully, in years to come, provide some much needed shade to guests of these bungalows.


Our thanks to Chaia and HiStory Bungalows for allowing us to plant in your garden! May the tree grow strong and healthy and grace your space, attracting many good, peaceful guests.


This tree is for Indonesia. May if flourish along with the wellbeing and prosperity of your people. – Something indeed needful, given a painful history (and in part, present) of brutality and exploitation.