Comments on: Big Trouble in Little Beijing Backpacking & Motorcycling RTW Sun, 11 Jul 2021 18:57:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: jebby Mon, 02 Jan 2012 11:20:17 +0000 I just love them. The heart aches to go and adventure. lol

By: ken Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:42:39 +0000 You speak truth master.
Sadly Africa is not in the bag this time.
But you’ll be very happy to bear about the beer prices in China. 🙂 In the supermarket a 650ml bottle og Yanjing is 2.80CNY!

By: Rene Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:13:40 +0000 You lost your Camera Ken?! You see what happens when you dont drink enough beer! 🙂 Also are you guys going to be in Africa at some point? That could be the best way we could meet up.All this talk about chilis , I#ve started growing my own tree here in Berlin. One must always have a ready supply. And Beer!:)

By: ken Fri, 30 Dec 2011 06:05:26 +0000 Hi John, sadly not, it’s Eastward for us. We were in Cambodia (though not Phom Penh), Vietnam and Laos though btw and we love it – well all except Vietnam 🙂

By: ebru Fri, 30 Dec 2011 05:59:07 +0000 Hey John,
It’s great to hear from you:) Bejing was the best:)Especially endless summer palace;)We are in Thailand at the moment and heading to Indonesia soon! Unfortunatly we will be in Australia end of Jan maybe we might see you in South America in March?

By: John dambrosio Fri, 30 Dec 2011 04:22:51 +0000 Hey Guyz, It’s about time I heard from you! I was getting worried. I had a great tie meeting you – really made my China trip a LOT MORE fun! Did Barak ever kick his cold before he left China? I’m headed to Germany (Nuremburg, Berlin and Dresden) and Prague for JAN 2012 – any chance you’ll be close to there? 😉

Take care, John
