Comments on: Ang Kor Who? Backpacking & Motorcycling RTW Sun, 11 Jul 2021 18:57:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: kaizer Fri, 24 Feb 2012 08:44:34 +0000 hi there, sounds good, make sure he offers you some of this excellent Shiraz they grow down under.
look 4ward to hear from you

By: ken Fri, 24 Feb 2012 05:04:13 +0000 Hello! Yesterday we arrived at Ritti’s place following a week of camper tour. We’ve been loving the wonderful facilities (shower, proper matrass etc) and will establish contact via skype soon.

By: kaizer Thu, 09 Feb 2012 08:18:25 +0000 Hi there and tks for a sign of life, we have all been wondering what is happening. sent you an sms onto ken mobile this mornging, just ignore it. all fine here, minus 15-20degrees and snow, so be glad to be where you are. looking forward to the next reports.

By: ebru Thu, 09 Feb 2012 04:46:32 +0000 Hi, yes we were thinking yesterday it’s been ages since we talked. We had some hard travelling through Java and Bali and have now been on Gili Trawangan island for about 10 days, leaving tomorrow in time for our flight to Oz on the 11th. Life here has been very simple: reading, snorkelling, fishing… unreliable internet and electricity. Even showers are mostly superfluous as it’s salt water anyway. We are ok, about to enjoy our last day and we’ll get in touch from Oz next probably. Love to all, hope you’re doing well!

By: kaizer Sun, 05 Feb 2012 12:33:55 +0000 Hi there , hope things are going well for you. have not heard from you for a long time, dont get lazy.


By: ken Fri, 27 Jan 2012 08:10:25 +0000 Hi, sind gerade auf Bali unterwegs. Nicht so ohne, wie wir es uns vorstellten. Freut mich, dass die Karten auch ankommen. Weitere artikel kommen bald. Tchuueess! x

By: ebru Mon, 23 Jan 2012 11:18:19 +0000 Howdy. Yes, good memory, I. Though you wouldn’t think it talking to me 😉 I wonder if the most prominent memories will be of days like today: 08:30-17:00 spent on cramped buses and at 23:00 looking forward to an 8 hour night train journey – he he.
Not certain what the woodpeckers are about – must be in relation to the size of the trees. What a braai that would make 😉

By: Jutta Dehlinger Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:13:53 +0000 Hallo Ihr 2, super Fotos, wir beneiden Euch, danke auch für die Postkarte, die Kinder schicken auch Grüße, Shannon lernt fürs Abi und Nik wird immer noch größer. Lasst es Euch weiterhin gut gehen, wir freuen uns auf die nächsten Bilder und Berichte, Bussi Jutta + Familie

By: Alan Sat, 21 Jan 2012 15:17:00 +0000 Hi Ken, somewhat surprised you remembered the katanas ! They are now hanging on a wall in an upstairs room – well you can’t throw out memories can you ? Speaking of memories, you two are certainly loading up on them – keep on having fun and take care. Alan
PS: why is the Kaizer asking about the woodpeckers – can you braai them ?

By: kaizer Sat, 21 Jan 2012 09:41:41 +0000 Hi kids, good to hear you are going strong.amazing stuff, beautiful pictures. i love this trees, makes me wonder what size the woodpeckers are over there, look out for them.
